Sunday, September 26, 2010

Gardeners Par Excellence

Our head gardener here that keeps our grounds looking so
spic and span.

Two of our gardeners. In all
fairness I must explain, they
are only leaning on their tools
to pose for the picture. Other-
wise they are busy trimming
bushes and pulling weeds.
These guys look very tired. That's because it is the end
of their day. Looking forward to a hot shower, a good meal, and
an evening of rest.

They do their share in keeping Atherton looking
so beautiful.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The lamp

A couple months ago, I was just an ordinary lamppost lighting up the
night so no one would stumble and fall. And now look.
Someone came along and said "You need a fire hydrant
here." After digging up all the flowers and concrete, that
yellow thing was installed. To make sure we could see
it, the four yellow post were put up. Now I light up the
fire hydrant very well. Oh well -- go figure.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Courtyard Cont.----

Now things are really beginning to happen. The first
of the walls went up today, Sept.7, 2010.